Protect your business today

Book a consultation to see how we reduce cyber risk

Action Plan

We’ll help you develop a systems and corporate information protection plan that’s right for your business

Evaluation of new systems

Need help evaluating new systems or configurations? Our experts are available for decision support.

Data Protection Officer

An annual data protection plan that sets out all the steps to achieve the desired level of compliance.


Protect corporate assets, comply with privacy regulations and simplify operations.


Data Recovery

In the event of a data breach, our backup and recovery solutions protect you from losing corporate information

IT Audit

An overview of the organization’s IT systems, applications, operations, their management and use of data and other related processes

Penetration Test

The purpose of this simulated attack is to identify any weak points in the system’s defenses

Threat Identification

We effectively detect and assess threats in information systems to limit the risk of corporate information loss

Security Awareness Training

We add an extra layer to your cybersecurity package by making your employees the first line of defense.

Our approach

Why CyPro?

CyPro takes a proactive multi-layered approach to cybersecurity protection, transforms your business with cybersecurity threat detection and management, automation, cybersecurity consulting, cloud and managed security services. We can take a comprehensive approach to cyber security, enabling your business to identify, prevent and recover from a breach in information systems.

The CyPro team will conduct a GAP analysis to develop a plan toward a stronger cybersecurity program.

Our defense-in-depth cybersecurity services cover the following areas:


Cyber Security Strategy


Risk Management


Risk Evaluation


Incident Response


Malware and ransomware protection


Perimeter Defense

Comprehensive protection

Internal and external threats

Protect your assets from cybercriminals eager to compromise your IT systems and put your business at risk. Our IT security services strengthen your cyber defenses by addressing every stage of a cyber attack.

Network Management

We plan, design and implement fully managed network firewalls to ensure the integrity of your IT system. Our IT experts offer customized network management solutions that range from simple hardware firewall management and installation to complex software firewall implementations.

Security Awareness Training

Our team has extensive experience in creating and delivering engaging, and relevant training materials designed to highlight your organization’s greatest risks, threat types, and the necessary good practices for operational security. Sessions can be tailored to your specific requirements and delivered to your employees remotely.

Reducing human risk

The biggest risk to cybersecurity is people, whether their actions are unintentional or purposefully malicious. At CyPro, we believe that understanding and mitigating this risk is absolutely vital to developing effective strategies to protect our clients.


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Попадат ли счетоводителите под обсега на новата Директива МИС2

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Ключовата роля на ИТ одитите за укрепване на киберсигурността в организацията

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